Learn Russian Pronunciation Podcast Ep. 7

Welcome to episode 7 of Learn Russian Pronunciation. Today we’re going to learn a sneaky little trick, a pronunciation hack, I guess they’d call it, to help with a very common Russian word. I call it a whisper vowel. So here’s the word we’ll be focusing on today: нравится

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Learn Russian Pronunciation Podcast Ep. 9

Welcome to episode 9. Today we’re going to examine a phenomenon known as voiced and devoiced consonants. Here’s what I’d like you to do. Assuming you’re not driving at the moment, put your fingers on your throat and say the word “cats.”

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Learn Russian Pronunciation Podcast Ep. 10

Alright, this is episode 10 of Learn Russian Pronunciation. Today is the midterm, where I’ll test you on pretty much everything we’ve learned so far. So let’s do it…

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